Monday, May 6, 2013

Come Celebrate Me

Today, it was registered on my birth certificate as the day that I was born. However, that was not the right date, I have for years want to know the exact date of my birth, but now it does not matter anymore. Everything happens for a reason and whatever the reasons behind the wrong date of birth no longer interest me.

So, let’s just celebrate my living. I have been blessed many times and still feel very blessed. I am closer to the Almighty Lord now and to me this is the biggest blessing of my life today. Despite fighting cancer and living the odds I am happy, Alhamdulillah.

How old am I now? how old am I now?


Unknown said...

Selamat Hari Lahir H. Awak Nampak macam umur 30.

duckwin said...

Thank you Dr.H, it is the magic of the 'tudung'. Loving it :)