Sunday, July 15, 2012

On A Cold Sunday

1. Who is a character you can relate to in a movie and why?
Liam Neeson in the movie Taken, because I will give my life for the safety of my kids, even if to them I am just a pain in their butt.

2. What was your favorite television show growing up?
Don’t remember, as we have very limited access to television, but I do like “Little house on the prairie”.

3. Why did you start a blog and what is the meaning behind your URL?
It started when my husband got a job in another country and to fill up the gap, I decided to blog my feeling. If you have read most of the entries in my blog you will understand what is the meaning behind the URL.

4. Here’s a cliché question. If you could be one animal, what would it be and why?
Dove (a white one) – it is a symbol of peace, and I have always wanted peace in my life

5. Do you prefer ponds, lakes, or oceans? Why?
A pond as it is the smallest of the three and I am not a water person.

6. If you had one day to live and you could only spend it with one person, who would it be and what would you do?
Hubby of course. Just talking and doing our silly stuff together for the last time.

7. What is your favorite music album ever released?
I’ll be there - MJ

8. Would you prefer to have no legs or no arms? Why’d you pick what you picked?
Can I pass this one, for I want both of them, and if I were to answer then I am not being truthful.

9. Would you rather have 110 degree weather or below zero weather?
Hot weather please

10. What is your favorite piece of artwork and who created it?
All the artwork done by little angel

11. If you could create a type of Jelly Bean what would the flavor be?
Savory, may be like a very crispy anchovy taste - yummy.

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