Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lord Makes It Easy For Everything

In the dusk of dawn, in the comfort of our tiny kitchen, with eyes still half open, she was busy preparing her potato salad, while I fried some left-over rice. The sounds of the utensils were the only sound for that moment besides the humming of the old refrigerator.

We had woken up to do our ‘syahur’, we have been planning to do the replacement of fasting for many months, and it only come to materialize this week. Each in our own thoughts, it is as though we were sleep walking while doing the chores at the same time.

Then she asked me ‘ma, what happen if we cannot do the replacement fasting because we were sick or we forgot?’, this is as usual the curious mind of my little angel asking the questions that must have been bordering her, as Ramadhan is approaching near.

I told her about the possibility of performing the ‘fidyah’, explaining to her was another story but I was glad that she came out with such curiosity, I am glad that I am still here to let her know what she might find no one to turn to when I am no longer around.

Thinking of which I searched the web and discovered that they have made it very easy for us to do the calculation with an online calculator. At my age now, I am not very sure how many days I might have accidently, lazily or purposely not performed my fasting when I was much younger.

InsyaAllah, I will pay the ‘fidyah’, it is nearly 3 days fasting for us today, Alhamdulillah though the hours are much longer in summer, we were blessed with good tidings.

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