Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Come Cook Beef "Rendang" With Me

On the first day of Eid, "beef rendang" is a must.  Since, I had just returned home from the hospital, I took my own sweet time to cook this dish, as not to over tired myself.  Sharing here how this dish is cook the way  we like it.
Ingredients to be blended: some dried chili, yellow onion (as shallot is super difficult to find here, it would be nicer with shallot), garlic, galangal root, candlenuts, ginger, and lemon grass (only use the white portion, but keep the green portion for later)
 Boil the dried chili and remove seeds.  This will make the chili easier to blend and less spicy
1kg of beef, cut into cubes
 This is the green portion of the lemon grass, just coarsely smashed them and add them together with the blended ingredients when cooking.  This add better taste to the "beef rendang" 
 One can of thick coconut milk ( we don't get fresh coconut milk here at all, period)  
For the "kerisik", I used sugar free desiccated coconut.  Fry them under slow fire till light brown.  Let to cool for 10 minutes before pounding them as below.

This is the blended ingredients
Heat 3 or 4 tablespoon of cooking oil on medium heat and add the blended ingredients together with the green portion of the lemon grass and let it fry for at least 10 to 15 minutes
 Add the beef and 1 cup of water and let it boil under medium heat till beef is tender.  
Then add one can of the coconut milk, as well as the "kerisik" salt and some brown sugar to taste.  By the way I love my beef :rendang" with potatoes so as you can see here, I also added the potatoes together at the time that the coconut milk is added. 
Depending on the kind of meat that you use and how thick you want your beef "rendang" to be.  It might take at least and hour to an hour and a half to complete this dish 
Ready to eat


Unknown said...

Selamat Hari Raya H, that rendang sure looks delish

duckwin said...

Selamat hari raya to you too Dr H. Indeed it was yummy, 1/2 kilo sehari dah habis (he he he)