Monday, May 17, 2010

Post On Wheels

When you are on a long hour transit anywhere in the world, it is very important what the airport that you are at have many things to offer. This is in order for you to feel at home and welcome, and not bored to death. One of the best airports in the world is Changi airport in Singapore.

This airport does not sleep at all, it was simply buzzing with life, good food, clean showers and toilets, friendly people, helpful staff, good value for money on the duty free merchandize, nice garden, butterfly farm, I can just go on and on with the things that this superior airport has to offer.

Besides the big things that the Government seems to be so meticulous in planning and putting into place, they were even detailed with small things such as this Post on Wheels. Being stranded for hours, some people might like to take the opportunity of sending greetings to family and friends via snail mail, and it is available right in the center of the terminal.

Changi International airport simply comfortable.

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