Monday, July 22, 2013

Walking On The Light

I met Tutie like I met many other Indonesian here through the mosque gathering, as well as the ladies ‘yasin’ group. There was something about her that oozes confident, vibrant and friendliness. She was the motivator for a couple of occasion at the mosque activities. We got talking, we got to know each other better, we exchanged telephone contacts, become Facebook friends, etc etc. Little did I realized that in this petite little lady there were so much going on, in fact too much for a young mind and a mother of two to endure, but Tutie being Tutie was forever smiling, and no one knows what’s cooking inside her. I was proud to be that confidante. Now Tutie had gone back to Indonesia for good, saying goodbye to her was not easy. We hold on to each other a little longer, not knowing when we will be seeing each other again. I wish you all the best in your life forward Tutie and till we meet again, may you be strong.

For your kind information Tutie is also a co-writer in this book title: “Berjalan Di Atas Cahaya”

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