Thursday, August 2, 2012

14th Day Of Break Fast

 "Cokodok udang"
 Aubergine chili
Onion rings (special request by hubby). I will make this 30 days in a row for the Ramadan month as long as he is fasting, Alhamdulillah
Peaches as dessert


Unknown said...

he he upah puasa, he needs little to do it, tahniah. recipenya? teringin pula

duckwin said...

you are right there, layan je la, lebih susahnya I ni tak makan bawang, but as long as dia puasa, alhamdulillah. recipenya senang je my dear. just add plain flour with some corn flour and bicarbonate of soda (since kat sini i tak boleh dapat kapur, kalau ada this is better) and salt to taste. magicnya soak the onion rings in egg white sebelum di celup dalam adunan tepung. selamat mencuba and hoping that you and hubby dirahmatiNya selalu.