Monday, July 16, 2012

You Can Tag Me........ Sorry I Don't Do Tagging

1. Do you believe there truly are people who can speak/communicate with the dead and if so, would you ever want them to use this ability on your behalf? 
I do believe that there are some gifted people who can speak and/or communicate with the dead, but I sure do not want them to use their ability on my behalf.

2. Where is the one place on earth you’ve never visited, but always wanted to and why that particular place? India, just some kind of fascination with how liars are being breed.

3. Vegan, vegetarian or carnivore?
All of the above, depending on the places where halal cuts are not available I will not be a Carnivore.

4. Other than writing, what is your favorite creative outlet?

5. What is one risk-taking adventure you’ve always wanted to try, but haven’t . . . yet?
Sky Diving

6. Cats or dogs?
Cats, but I love dogs too, only I can’t have them as a pet.

7. If you could choose to visit another planet which one would it be and why?
I don’t think I will want to go visit another planet, the world is complicated enough.

8. If unforeseen circumstances forced you to change your identity, what new name would you freely choose for yourself?
Teja, after Tun Teja (who is she anyway, but I have always like that name)

9. Country life or city and why?
City for sure, something about country does not fit in with me.

10. Knowing that all the events, places and people in your life have shaped you into the individual you are now, if given the opportunity for a do-over would you go back in time and change anything? (Please don’t feel you have to share what it is — I’m not asking such a personal question of you!!)
Yeah. Trusting people.

11. If you could turn into any animal, bird or fish which would you choose and would you choose to do it permanently, once or any time you wanted to?
Bird (Dove) - permanently

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