Saturday, March 17, 2012

Love Original Sushi Only

Sushi is one of the most famous Japanese dish outside of Japan, and one of the most popular dishes among the Japanese themselves. However, sushi has become so common here now that I am forced to wonder if the locals can really be that oblivious to the real thing, or can it be that they have the worse of taste buds in the world of sushi.

I don’t even have to eat the sushi here for the looks in most of the restaurant were just repulsive and the faces behind the sushi counter were errrr………………………. Dowdy and dirty.

I know that everyone can make sushi, but when the art of making sushi has lost every inch of its originality, that’s when you just stop eating sushi altogether.

I would like to begin a campaign of “Love original sushi only”.

Note: Pictures were taken in a restaurant in Doha by hubby on his recent trip there.
Nigiri, Temaki, Norimaki or Kelingki kah?
WHAT in the world is this honestly?

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