Friday, February 17, 2012

Because I Was Not In The Mood

Because I was not in the mood, he happily took over the kitchen................ thank you dear
 The ingredients and utensils 
 Melting the margarine and dark chocolate  
 Deep in concentration
 Smiling for me 
 Mixing the eggs with the melting chocolate and margarine 
 Reading work email too.........................
 Ready for the oven 
 Into the oven the brownie goes 
The ready product, not too bad, though a little bit too dry


Unknown said...

H, don't take margarine..bad for you and not good to anybody..use pure butter...better still olive oil

mummy-who-cooks said...

MA, wait aaa... I bring over the Ikan Bilis for your. Then maybe you ada mood to masak for me sambal ikan bilis.. :)

3 days more to go.... :)