Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Unpredictable Sweet Man

I have this habit of walking in the dark, refusing to switch on the light even when everyone was complaining of the darkness. This dawn after my ‘subuh’ prayer, I tiptoed in the darkness towards my bed, it was still very early, and I do not want to disturb hubby who’s fast asleep. The norm for me upon reaching my bed was to reach out for my computer table and pulled it closed to me.

As I was reaching out with my hands to see where I had last put my reading glasses, I could feel that there was a plastic wrapped enveloped on my computer, strange I thought. Could it be that Allah has sent me His miracle? Could it be the money that I have been asking for in that envelope? Yes, I have been thinking a lot of late in how to come out with the settlement of my medical bills in order for me to keep on with my treatment.

I switch on the light on my very old Nokia phone to help me see in the dark; and slowly and quietly I opened the plastic folder, took out the envelope and opened it, there was a card inside the envelope, but, wait a minute ………………….. there was no money jumping out of the card. He he he, it was not the miracle that I was waiting for after all.

It was a card from hubby, for no occasion, I smiled as I read the card in the dimness of the dawn. This man can be so unpredictable yet so sweet. Ten years down and still doing this, how can that not make me happy? Thank you Lord for your gift, I could not ask for someone better to be my husband.

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