Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dear Angels of Sandy Hook

Dear Angels, 

Every day I keep wondering what could have gone so wrong on the day that your very young life was taken so suddenly. I think of you with so much love, adorable, beautiful and full of strength. 

In your short life you have shown the world that it is more important to understand our own children then just arguing about guns freedom in the world. You have shown the world that again and again those talks were cheap, leaders keep on talking and talking and doing nothing; and innocents like you are paying for their stupidity. 

Dear Angels,

You are the sun in the darkness now. Though your laughter may no longer be heard, your smiles will always be brighter in all of our hearts. 

You are in a better place now, where there will only be peace. I hope you are surrounded by beautiful things, all the toys that you love, all the teddy bears that will keep you warm, all the prayers that will keep you strong and all the love that will never end. 

Dear Angels, 

You will never be forgotten.

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