A friend was advertising his religion to me, after some sort of what I can only call a religious preach.
Me: is it true that you believe that all people of other religions don’t go to heaven?
Him: of course without doubt. This is the way things go.
Me: are you for real? You really believe this crap? Especially that you are a very highly educated post graduate degree seeker?
Him: ………………..bla bla bla……………. Trying to brain-wash me with his citations and examples etc...
Me: Those argument and examples you are using don’t work on me; maybe they would work on 3 year old children, shaking their heads back and forth memorizing scriptures they cannot even fathom. Brainwashed Like you.
Him: ……………….bla bla bla…………more brainwash material…….
Me: Please close the subject and let us keep our relationship professional as research assistants. You have your views and I have mine.
A good fellow research assistant friend was lost to me that day and it taught me one thing; not to go into an argument with a religious fanatic person. Better to stay away from those people as soon as they display the first signs of delusion. I have no regrets to this; In fact, thank God this conversation happened so as to open my eyes to the fact that ignorance and evil can lay dormant in the most unlikely places.
That guy judged me, I am me and what others think of me is immaterial especially where religious preaching is concerned. My advice to myself and those who are trying to step on my tracks: Look within you and see if self-righteousness persists to the extent that you judge others.
I am close to only one person in this world, the person I choose to share my opinions with, a person who no matter how far her views are from my own, agrees to disagree with me. A partnership based on sharing respect of one others’ brain, no matter how moronic it might look to the other. Her advises are more valuable to me than someone’s opinion/judgment.
Each of us has his own path through life, a path taking him either closer or farther from the path of the light. Try to keep your heading in that direction of the light, but at the same time don’t get blinded by it and fall into the darkness in front of you.
- hubby -