I was lost for words when I was told that you were not very good today, you were not sleeping well, you were more agitated, not eating or drinking, and that you had to be given the tablet for you to sleep. For a long time, I just sat on my bed and hug the blanket very tightly to seek some answer, but as usual there were none.
Luckily, hubby came online, and we got chatting away, after having told him of your condition, we went into discussion about Big C. I read somewhere that there was some patient who thought that there is some kind of conspiracy theory on why till now no drugs are available to cure Big C.
I also told hubby that from my reading I discovered that C is in every one of us, but some was discovered before our demised, while some was discovered when we are still alive. This was the excerpt of my conversation with hubby last night:
The DNA is called the genetic code
[8:28:57 PM] shad says: its called code for a reason
[8:29:08 PM] shad says: it is just like programming code. but organic
[8:29:14 PM] shad says: and cells understand it
[8:29:27 PM] shad says: so, when this code goes wrong
[8:29:35 PM] shad says: or some strands of this DNA is lost
[8:29:55 PM] shad says: the cell does not function as intended and dies away when its life ends
[8:30:13 PM] shad says: and hence the other part of the normal body continues on
[8:30:42 PM] shad says: but in case of cancer. The code does go wrong, however, the cell keeps on reproducing more cells like it
[8:30:58 PM] shad says: and it grows . and there will be more faulty cells than normal ones
[8:31:23 PM] shad says: the faulty cells are good for nothing except reproducing erratically taking space of the other normal cells
[8:31:30 PM] shad says: and the body dies out that way
[8:31:48 PM] shad says: but if you are able to kill all those cells with faulty code then you can survive
[8:32:20 PM] shad says: another way is to correct the code itself, but that is still 10s of years away from us. it is survival of the human with the most resilient DNA
[8:41:39 PM] shad says: if your DNA is not optimal enough. the error might happen again for reasons we do not know
[8:42:27 PM] shad says: if you leave man to nature, all people who are sick will die and dont have enough time to reproduce
[8:42:43 PM] shad says: what remains are people who are not sick
[8:42:50 PM] shad says: and this is called natural selection
Thank you honey for always knowing how to make a bad day good for me, he even give me this link to make it simpler for me to put two and two together.
[8:46:35 PM] shad says:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_DeathGod bless…………………………………………………..